Karen "Kai" Romero is a graduate from the University of the Philippines-Diliman, BS Family Life and Child Development. She is also taking a hiatus from her attempt on getting a masteral degree in MA Education specialization in Guidance Counseling. She currently has a day job as a high school teacher. Her handle KAISENSEI is derived from her nickname KAI and the Japanese word SENSEI which means teacher. :)
BREW OF THE DAY was initially created as a random personal blog for Kai to rant and rave about her interests and so the posts were made with a "thought of the day" vibe to it. Kai has been blogging around more than six years already using various platforms such as livejournal, xanga, and the like. She has dabbled in writing fanfics, roleplaying stories, and participated actively in forums for quite a number of years already. She stopped for a few years but started writing a bit more seriously as a blogger in 2010. She also went into writing articles through Odesk and similar writing & research projects as well.
Now Brew of the Day has evolved into a blog that aims to inform her readers on the Fashion, Beauty, Food, Lifestyle scene locally and abroad.

FASHION on Brew of the Day. Kai blogs about anything about Fashion -- from outfit posts to the latest accessory finds to sales & shopping online to the newly released fashion collections. Get your Fashion Fix from Brew of the Day!
BEAUTY on Brew of the Day . Kai takes reviewing beauty products seriously and gives her honest opinion and her full experience about the various beauty products, makeup, nail polish, and beautifying procedures out there. Be informed and get your Beauty Fix from Brew of the Day!
FOOD on Brew of the Day. Kai is a self-confessed coffeeholic and food lover. Her love of coffee has spilled over to other beverages as well. It is her delight to share her latest yummy discoveries to her readers - from restaurants to actual food items, her rants and raves of anything food related can be found in her Food Diary here on Brew of the Day.
LIFESTYLE on Brew of the Day. Kai on occasion blogs tips and advices, to press events attended, to her movie and tech reviews, valentine blues and everything in between.. get a little buzz of real life and relate to it from Brew of the Day.
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Like me on FB - http://www.facebook.com/kaisenseibrewoftheday
Follow me on Twitter - http://twitter.com/kai_sensei
Connect with me on IG - http://instagram.com/kai_sensei